Windows Embedded Standard 7: User interface filters (Post 4 of 4)

Windows Embedded Standard 7: User interface filters

(Post 4 of 4)

This post is the fourth (and the last) in a series of four posts that make an article on user interface filters. In particular, we will deal with:

Dialog box filter

clip_image001 by using ICE

clip_image001[1] by using IBW

clip_image001[2] by using DISM

clip_image001[3] Let's practice

User interface filters - conclusion of the whole article


Dialog box filter

As we have seen, since the Message Box is not the only function that allows you to interact with the user, Microsoft created a new filter that acts at window level.

This filter allows you to define a set of parameters of the window (e.g.: the process name, the class name and the title of the window) and the action to be performed before displaying it (e.g. close, minimize, maximize or a list of buttons). These definitions are taken over by a service that executes the action that was chosen just before the window is displayed. It is important to point out that, to use this filter, you must "know" the window on which you want to take action.

The filter is obtained through a Windows service based on a configuration file which, when active, captures all the windows when they are created. When the application asks for a window display, the service compares the data with those of the filter and, if the data match one of the lines of the configuration file, it performs the planned action.

The configuration file, called ConfigurationList.XML, is located (by default) in the system disk, in the folder:


To identify the window you want to take action in, you can use the Windows "Event Viewer" after having enabled the LOG function or use a tool that is part of the Windows Embedded Studio 7 named "Dialog Filter Editor" that is (by default) in the folder:

"C:\Program Files\Windows Embedded Standard 7\EmbeddedSDK\bin"


· In the en-us folder, located in the same path of DialogFilterEditor.exe, there is a file DialogFilterEditor.exe.mui that contains the resources necessary for the proper functioning of the application!

· Do not change (and/or create) the file ConfigurationList.XML manually, it has to follow a basic pattern provided by "ConfigurationListSchema.xsd". In practice, it is recommended to create/modify the file by using the application DialogFilterEditor.exe, and only in cases where there is real need to edit it with an XML-editor (UTF-8).

· Security messages (such as UAC = User Account Control) are not filtered, you should configure security so that it is controlled automatically without prompting the user. In this way:

o all the maintenance support staff (typically with local administrator privileges) will be enabled automatically without further confirmation (pay attention to this choice because it brings a decrease in security);

o users who need to use the device (typically without local administrator privileges) will be unable to perform actions that would need to be confirmed and this situation goes in the right direction: it limits the user to stay within the choices available within the application.

Dialog box filter (by using ICE)

The "Dialog Box Filter" (DBF) package is located inside the "Embedded Enabling Features"

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After adding the DBF package in the build, we have these choices:

· The Path, if loaded, teaches the service where to find the ConfigurationList.XML file, in order to successfully intercept the windows. The default path is: ProgramData\Microsoft\DialogFilter\

· that is a folder with attributes "Hidden + System" of system disk;

·The triplet: Domain, Username and Password is used to set the credentials to access the file location (which can be placed inside the device or in a network location).

It is possible to directly include the ConfigurationList.XML file in the image that is being prepared with the configurator (ICE) by placing the files in the Distribution Share (in our example: DSSP1) recreating the path that should be in the target device. In our case, assuming that the folder on the device will be the default:


we have to put the file in this folder:

%distributionshareroot%\$OEM$ Folders\DialogFilter\$OEM$\$1\ProgramData\Microsoft\DialogFilter\

To find where our Distribution Share is:

· Move to the Distribution Share Panel and right click on "the root";

· From the list, choose "Explore Distribution Share";

· The Configurator (ICE) will display an Explorer Windows on the DS path.

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To create the ConfigurationList.XML file with the list of the windows you want to manage, run the DialogFilterEditor while the windows are still displayed on the screen and choose the action you want to activate before the windows will be shown next time (see the practice chapter below).

When you have finished the list, ask the application to save data in the ConfigurationList.XML file and copy it in the path of the $OEM$ Folders as explained before.

Within ICE we will need to configure the package OEMFolderPaths
Foundation Core\Windows Embedded Edition\Setup-x86.

The quickest and safest way to do this is:

· Move to the column of the Distribution Share and open the folder

$OEM$ Folders;

· double-click on DialogFilter;

· The configuration environment (ICE):

o will automatically create a new section of Path&Credentials with the correct data path;

o will select the filter configuration steps (Filter view by) to "1WindowsPE";

o will be placed on the created section to allow the inclusion of credentials.

You get a situation like in the picture:

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After completing all the other configurations and validating the build, you will proceed as usual by asking the environment to create the ISO image (or directly create the installation media: USB flash drive or hard disk, CF, etc ...) via Tools/Create Media/Create IBW Image From Answer file. At the end of the generation you will see that the folder created on the developer workstation:

…\AutoUnattend_Files\windowsPE\$OEM$ Folders\DialogFilter\$OEM$\$1

will create the same path on the target, obtaining:


with the ConfigurationList.XML inside.


· The device so created will start with the installation of the build, and if we have already prepared all the answers to the installation questions it will not stop until the installation is complete.

· If the Dialog Box Filter package is included in the build, as default, the filter service will start as active.

· Any configuration file modification will take effect only after a restart of the service.

Dialog Box Filter (by using IBW)

By using the Wizard (IBW), we will simply include the package " Dialog Box Filter " in the build, and "at run time", we will operate, with due care, on the registry keys that drive this filter. With reference to the above variables we have that, to enable the functionality in its entirety, it requires acting on the variables of the key:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\services\DialogFilter \parameters

Here are the keys that may be of interest with their default values:



\parameters \ServiceDll=%systemRoot%\System32\DialogFilterSvc.dll

Once IBW added the service in the system, it will be system administrator's responsibility, after appropriate tests, to prepare the MASTER disk for cloning.

Dialog Box Filter (by using DISM)

Let's use the tool DISM (Deployment Image Servicing and Management) to add the package "Dialog Box Filter" to a system already built. We can add the package "OnLine" (directly on a running system).

To obtain this adding operation, follow these simple steps:

1) Check that the package you want to add does NOT have dependencies on other packages NOT included in the system;

2) Locate the name and the path of the package that you want to add;

3) Make the package available to the system you want to update;

4) Run the command to add the package "OnLine".

Let's understand how:

1) Suppose that the original Answer File of our system has been "Validated", but it did not contain the Package " Dialog Box Filter ":

2) The package name and its path can be inferred directly from the Answer File in the line "source location":


a. Open the original Answer File of our system with the configurator (ICE);

a. Add the package "\FeaturePack\EmbeddedEnablingFeatures\ Dialog Box Filter ";

b. Run the validation of the build;

c. Save this new version of the Answer File with a different name;

d. Check that the differences between the two are only related to the addition of the package "Dialog Box Filter " to the Answer File. There should be only these "five" lines:

<package action="install">

<assemblyIdentity name="WinEmb-Dialog-Filter" version="6.1.7601.17514" processorArchitecture="x86" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" language="neutral" versionScope="nonSxS" />

<source location= "%distributionshareroot%\Packages\FeaturePack\x86~winemb-dialog-filter~~~~6.1.7601.17514~1.0\" />

<ew:packageInfo releaseType="Feature Pack" customInfoVersion="1.0" />


Or, in the configurator (ICE):

a. move in the middle column (Answer File);

b. double-click on the package Dialog Box Filter; on the right panel, the Path element of the folder Properties will give us the name of the folder where is the package and its correct name are.

3) Copy the installation file (. CAB) in a place where it can be reached by the system we want to update (for example, the root folder of a USB-Key).

4) Suppose that the USB-key above for the system we want to update is called "E:"

a. Open a command prompt with administrator rights and give the following command:

dism /online /add-package /PackagePath:E:\

The system answers:

Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool

Version: 6.1.7600.16385

Image Version: 6.1.7601.17514

Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package WinEmb-Dialog-Filter~31bf3856ad364e35~x86~~6.1.7601.17514

A progression bar appears:


The operation completed successfully.

Restart Windows to complete this operation.

Do you want to restart the computer now (Y/N)?

When the system restarts, it will complete the installation.

Note: If you install the package in this way, the DialogFilter Service will automatic Start (even if its ConfigurationList.XML file does not exist yet).

Dialog Box Filter (Let's practice)

To better understand the operation of this service, we have created a simple .NET application, called Test_1, that displays a Message box named Test with three buttons: Yes, No and Cancel (Yes is the default selection) and, regardless button pressed, it displays a second window, called Form1 that has only one button with the same text of button pressed before: even if the first window that appears can be managed with the Message Box Default Reply (MBDR) it can also be intercepted by the Dialog Box Filter (DBF). This can be due to the fact that, using the MBDR is a global configuration of the system, while the DBF is a targeted intervention to the specific message.

Let's go down to the practice of our example. First, check that the DialogFilter service is NOT active and the registry key to manage the Message Box Default Reply (MBDR) is NOT enabled in order to understand how the application evolves without any filters.

Use the Windows Service manager (Services with administrator privileges) and stop the DialogFilter service. Or, by using a command prompt with administration privileges, type the command:

sc stop dialogfilter

The services will present as follows:

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The Error Code 15100 is because the service cannot find its configuration file;

The status is "stopped" (not Started);

Use the registry editor (Regedit with administrator privileges) and navigate to the key:

HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Error Message Instrument

set to Zero the value of the enabling filter variable: EnableDefaultReply=0

NOTE: To use the Administrative Tools on the PC-Target, the packages that contain them must be included in the build. As for "Regedit.exe", the package is:

FeaturePack\Management\System Management\System Management Utilities.

To find the correct package inside the configurator (ICE) you should:

· use the "Find" (Ctrl-F) function;

· select the option "Search file names in packages";

· search for "Regedit.exe".

With a double click on the row, you will be moved to the column of the Distribution Share with the correct package selected.

Run Test_1application and obtain:

PIC-Fil -06-17

Click on button No in the Message Box and obtain:

 PIC-Fil -07-09-18

If you click the No button the application proposes the first Message Box again. You can try the other buttons on the first screen or close the application by clicking on the X in the upper right corner of the Form1 form.

Run again Test_1 application and remain on the first windows:

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Run the application DialogFilterEditor (with administrator rights) so that the window you want to intercept is already being displayed. If you close all the other windows and make a "refresh" on the application (F5 or Settings/Refresh), there will be only these two windows:

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Double-click on the row of the Test on the list of "Visible Windows" and the application will enumerate the window information: Process, Class and Title:

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Double-click on the name of the process test_1.exe and the application displays a new window containing the above information and prompts you to select the option to use this window: Cancel, Close, No, and Yes

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Note: In the action list, as well as buttons on the standard window close, even those for the Cancel, No and Yes, are displayed: this gives us the ability to manage the window just as we need. We can enter in such a detail that, until now, we were unable to reach. The alternative solution available up to now, was to "write" a custom filter waiting for the "create window function" and to manage it before it is displayed.

Select "Close" and then OK:

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In the Action column will appear: Close

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Now ask to the application DialogFilterEditor to save the configuration file (XML) to be able to feed the service: on the command line select "File" and then "save as" and a name that will be ConfigurationList.XML in the path:


Here is the content of the .XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<CL:dialogs xmlns:CL="urn:Dialogs">
















Now start the DialogFilter service and launch the application Test_1.

Use the Windows Service manager (Services with administrator privileges) and start the DialogFilter service. Otherwise, by using a command prompt with administration privileges, type the command:

sc start dialogfilter

Run Test_1 and we will obtain directly:

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We will see directly the second window because the first one has been filtered by the DialogFilter service by simulating the pressure of the X button (Close).

Now, let's suppose to intercept and neutralize this second window: close the application Test_1 andstop the service again:

sc stop dialogfilter (from a command prompt with administrative right)

PIC-Fil -16bise

Run again the application DialogFilterEditor (with administrator rights) and close all other windows and make a "refresh" on the application (F5 or Settings/Refresh). On the command line select "file" and "Open..." and load the ConfigurationList.XML file from the %SystemDrive%\ProgramData\Microsoft\DialogFilter folder and we obtain:

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Run again the Test_1 application and click on the up-right X button (close):

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We will obtain the second window (Form1) with the text button "Cancel":

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Return to the DialogFilterEditor and, from the command line, choose "Settings" and "Refresh", an item Form1 will appear. Double-click on the row of the Form1 on the list of "Visible Windows" and the application will enumerate the window information: Process, Class and Title:

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Double-click on the name of the process test_1.exe in the line with the "Title" Form1 and the application displays a new window containing the above information and prompts you to select the option to use this window: Cancel, Close, Maximize and Minimize

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Select "Close" and OK: in the Action column will appear: Close

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Now ask to the application DialogFilterEditor to save the configuration file (XML) to be able to feed the service: on the command line select "File" and then "save" (the file name and the path are correct from last saving operation) and close the DialogFilterEditor application.

Here is the updated content of the .XML file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<CL:dialogs xmlns:CL="urn:Dialogs">






























Now start the DialogFilter service and launch the application Test_1.

sc start dialogfilter (from a command prompt with administrative right)

Run Test_1 : neither the first windows nor the second one will be displayed !

User interface filters - conclusion of the whole article

To protect our application from the system messages and from the ones arriving from other applications we can use Message Box Default Reply, turn off the Pop-Up Balloons or appropriately configure the Dialog Box Filter. With the first two solutions we get a global change to the system, with the last one we can improve the granularity of the configuration. This is very effective if we have to surgically neutralize some windows that appear when you do not want to, but it becomes a big job if the number of windows to manage grows up: for example, the buttons text localization could force us to diversify the configuration file according to the language used.


These articles, divided into post, were written, revised and translated into English as well as by me by other two colleagues of mine: Gianni Rosa Gallina (blog) eMVP and Marina Sabetta.

For more information please refer to these links (in English):


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