Posts for tag: ML.NET

DeltaTre Innovation Lab webinars

The AI Journey: MLOps with Kubeflow

AI Journey

A new episode of the webinar series "The AI Journey"


DeltaTre Innovation Lab webinars

TTG collaborates with DeltaTre Innovation Lab that presents two webinars:

The AI Journey: Data Science experiments with ML.NET & Jupyter

A new episode of the webinar series "The AI Journey"

Language: English

Date/time: Tuesday 14th July 2020 - 10:00 - 11:30 CEST

Fireside Chats: Not Only Web Development with Blazor

A new episode of the webinar series "Fireside Chats"

Language: Italian

Date/time: Thursday 16th July 2020 - 10:00 - 11:30 CEST


TTG – November 22, 2018: Azure DevOps & .NET


In this session, Gianni Rosa Gallina (Microsoft MVP) and Fabrizio Accatino, will make a short presentation of what Microsoft is offering for what regarding Azure DevOps and which are the last news in .Net Core, ML.Net (Machine Learning Framework), Xamarin(multiplatform environment) and more . . . Thanks to Microsoft, attendees will receive themed gadgets (as long as available).

MVP - Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Logo Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist logo


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