Today, I participate at the conference as attendee and I am very
satisfied of this choice!
I stated to my curiosity on Agile three years ago when I had the
opportunity to follow some sessions of Andrea Provaglio in Rome
during a .NET Campus. I was present as speaker for the session "IoT
- from theory to practice" and I highly appreciated Andrea's
After a while, last October 2017, during the
Corporate Meeting of the PoloICT, I met again the "Agile" and
started to follow the Agile Community
Torino first with some community meeting and now at the Torino Agile
The conference was very well organized with two tracks and a
workshop. The starting keynote by Andrea Provaglio was very
beautiful and interesting. After this session I followed Matteo
Carella and Stefania Di Cristofalo. After them there was the
session of Davide Luca Roitero and Francesca Martinuzzi that kept
my attention making a close comparison between Socrate's teachings
and the coaching role

After lunch there was Felice and Vincent session on Agile meet
IoT based on presenting the agile-IoT framework from AgileIoT team.

I was so sorry to leave the conference after Felice's
My intention is to invite Felice & Vincent in one of the
next workshop that I'm organizing in Italy next months . . . stay