Posts for tag: Windows Embedded 8


Are you worried about the end of support on XP PRO? Are you not sure which is the operating system that best suits your needs?


Windows 8.1 & Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry released together!

On October, 17 Microsoft announced the general availability of Windows 8.1 (for desktop) and Windows Embedded 8.1 Industry (for dedicated devices). For the first time the embedded version is released at the same time of the desktop one. This make us understand that the role of the embedded operative systems is growing up to reach the same level of the Big Windows one.


Windows Embedded 8.1

I decided to write this post when I read the official Microsoft post that announced the release of the RTM of Windows 8.1 for both Windows Desktop and Windows Embedded platforms. I have translated the English version adding some personal comments for the Italian version.



Windows Embedded 8 Standard: Gesture Filter

Windows Embedded 8 Standard (Standard 8) brings Windows 8 features to an x86 or x64 embedded device. In the specifics of new gestures, Windows 8 manages touch and multi-touch screen with new and powerful solutions.

Each new gesture activates a new function that can be used by the operating system or it is passed to the application.


Windows Embedded 8 Standard – EMEA Train The Trainer Course

On 23 April 2013 in Microsoft France - Paris, Brad Combs (from Microsoft Corp.) has presented the "Windows Embedded 8 Standard - EMEA Train The Trainer Course".

The goal of this type of course is to align Microsoft official courses all over the world. There were 10 attendees singularly invited by Microsoft and all BEPS Engineering Trainers: Marco, Salvatore, Dorangela, Gianni and Beppe were present.


Windows Standard 8 Embedded

On Wednesday, Microsoft announced the general availability of the Windows Embedded 8 family:

  • Windows Embedded 8 Standard, short name Standard 8, is the componentized version of Windows 8. Its use shortens development cycles and enables device makers to create differentiated solutions for any needs.
  • Windows Embedded 8 Pro, a full version of Windows 8 but with dedicated Embedded market licensing.
  • Windows Embedded 8 Industry, the new version of Windows Embedded POSReady 7, a fixed platform solution based on Windows 8 that provides all the capabilities needed by retail devices (Point-of-Service - POS).

Windows Embedded 8 Standard and Windows Embedded 8 Pro are available immediately for OEMs to build and ship solutions.

Windows Embedded 8 Industry, which targets retail point-of-service (POS) solutions will be available the week of April 1st.

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