Posts for tag: Windows Azure

Advanced Advertising System – POC

Microsoft Innovation Center Torino, Arrow and BEPS Engineering developed a proof-of-concept (POC) solution for public advertisements: the Kinect-Azure POC, an Intelligent Systems case study.


Microsoft Dev Camp – Turin, Italy (March 15th, 2013)

On March 15th, there will be a Microsoft Dev Camp event hosted by MIC (Microsoft Innovation Center) Torino, like the ones organized in other Italian cities.

Events are free and represent a great opportunity to meet other developers and have fun by developing Windows Azure, Windows Phone, Windows 8 applications, with the exclusive support by Microsoft experts and Community members (especially, in Turin, with the support of BEPS Engineering and TTG - Torino Technologies Group).


Microsoft Dev Camps–Turin Italy, September 28th 2012


On Friday September 28th, inside the MIC (Microsoft Innovation Center) Labs, Microsoft will host a DEV CAMP, an event for developers like the ones organized in Milan and Rome.

All these events are free, realized by local community developer support! They are a great opportunity to be in direct contact with Microsoft evangelist and technology experts (MVP, Trainer, etc. …). The Turin event will allow the attendees to choose among Windows Azure, Windows Phone and Windows 8 and it has been organized in collaboration with MIC and TTG - (Torino Technologies Group) a local developers community.

MVP - Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Logo Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist logo


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