Posts for tag: Standard 8

Microsoft Windows Embedded MVP for the fourth time!


I am delighted to announce that all the eMVP in BEPS (Gianni Rosa Gallina and me) have been confirmed Microsoft MVP - Windows Embedded 2013.

I want to thank Marjorie Di Clemente, Cristina Gonzalez Herrero and all those who have contributed to this great result!


Windows Standard 8 Embedded

On Wednesday, Microsoft announced the general availability of the Windows Embedded 8 family:

  • Windows Embedded 8 Standard, short name Standard 8, is the componentized version of Windows 8. Its use shortens development cycles and enables device makers to create differentiated solutions for any needs.
  • Windows Embedded 8 Pro, a full version of Windows 8 but with dedicated Embedded market licensing.
  • Windows Embedded 8 Industry, the new version of Windows Embedded POSReady 7, a fixed platform solution based on Windows 8 that provides all the capabilities needed by retail devices (Point-of-Service - POS).

Windows Embedded 8 Standard and Windows Embedded 8 Pro are available immediately for OEMs to build and ship solutions.

Windows Embedded 8 Industry, which targets retail point-of-service (POS) solutions will be available the week of April 1st.


Microsoft Embedded Conference – Napoli 26/01/13

On January 26, 2013 I shall participate as a speaker at the first edition of a conference on Embedded Microsoft. The cultural association DotNetCampania, who is organizing the event in collaboration with the TinyClr community, asked me as a speaker with the most qualified Italian experts in the field.


BEPS Silver Sponsor at EVOlVE2012

Milan, Nov 20 2012

Microsoft Invites Global Community of Developers: Unlock the Power and Potential of Intelligent Systems with Windows 8

Microsoft has expanded the Windows Embedded software platform, and is excited to present how its innovation is powering a new generation of embedded devices, making them truly intelligent systems


All the eMVP in BEPS confirmed

All the eMVP in BEPS confirmed

I am delighted to announce that all the eMVP in BEPS (Gianni Rosa Gallina, Marco Bodoira and me) have been confirmed Microsoft MVP - Windows Embedded 2012.



Windows Embedded Standard 8 CTP3 in now available.

Yesterday the Microsoft Windows Embedded team has announced the availability of the third Windows Embedded Standard 8 CTP3 (Community Technology Preview).

This release follows the Windows Embedded Standard 8 CTP 2 made available in June and provides many quality improvements and several new capabilities - including:


Windows Embedded Standard 8 CTP2

Yesterday Microsoft announced the availability of the second Windows Embedded Standard 8 community technology preview (CTP) at Computex.

MVP - Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Logo Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist logo


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