Posts for tag: IoT Conference

Beps Engineering soon on TV


I am really delighted to tell you that very soon you will be able to hear about Beps Engineering on television!

Thanks to the daily efforts in developing high quality IoT solutions, the TV channel Business 24 has selected Beps Engineering as a local excellence and has so invited me to its own studios to record an interview.


Internet of Things Conference 2016

MEC-IOT 2016

As usual since the past years, a new appointment with the Embedded and IoT world returns to Naples (Italy): the "IoT Conference".

The free event will be on Saturday, May 7th 2016 in Naples (Italy), organized by DotNetCampania community and Microsoft Italy. It will be about Internet of Things and all related technologies, from micro-devices to the cloud, passing through wearables, Virtual Reality and other technologies.

As in the past years, there will be all the Italian Microsoft Windows Embedded/IoT MVPs and the IoT Microsoft Evangelist.


Internet of Things Conference 2015

MEC-IOT 2015

The "Microsoft Embedded Conference" returns as every year. This appointment with the embedded world has evolved also in the name: "Internet of Things Conference".

This "free" event is scheduled for Saturday, April 18, 2015 in Naples, the DotNetCampania community and Microsoft - Italia are the organizers of this wonderful day on "Internet of Things" and of all the technologies that revolve around it from the device to the Cloud.

MVP - Microsoft Most Valuable Professional Logo Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist logo


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